Biden’s Trillion-Dollar Infrastructure Plan to Destroy Christians & America
You can’t fool a Christian!
Good morning and God bless everyone! Another fine Sunday at the Church of the Redeemed Whore. The day would be even better if I didn’t have to discuss another threat against Christians and America. Today’s danger to Christians comes straight from the Socialist Agenda that now runs the USA: President Joe Biden and his Trillion Dollar Infrastructure Plan.
As we Christians know, meddlesome big government is the root of all evil and why we stand against social welfare programs. Getting rid of welfare is a good way to teach people to work hard and not be lazy. Now, those left-wing fudgers in Washington will tell you welfare invests in society and raises people out of poverty. Using that excuse, President Biden promotes his Build Back Framework, which supposedly will build new roads, repair bridges, create good union paying jobs, grow the economy, and add an average of “1.5 million jobs per year for the next 10 years.”
What a load of crap! You can’t fool a Christian, Biden!
Nothing could be further from the truth! The only thing Americans need is more Jesus and a work ethic. If people read the Bible and understood Jesus, they wouldn’t need trillions of hardworking Christian tax dollars to fund their jobs. Whose fault is it that the nation’s roadways are in poor condition?
The Liberal Agenda to stop Christian Churchgoers!

The facts speak for themselves, and sadly, the liberal creeps plan to cripple Christianity and America with another $21 billion to clean up Superfund, brownfield sites, reclamation of abandoned mine land, and capping orphaned oil and gas wells. Supposedly, this massive amount of money will “benefit communities of color since 26% of Black Americans and 29% of Hispanic Americans live within three miles of a Superfund site.
What a load of horse manure!
Now, I’m not a man given to conspiracy, but I have a feeling there’s more to President Biden than meets the eye. Who does he really work for? Not Christians, that’s for sure. I believe Biden works for the communist atheist agenda, and the liberal creeps are just his henchmen. It is the only thing that makes sense! What else could explain his plan to bankrupt America?
No, Biden clearly cannot be trusted, having enacted a plan to steal a trillion dollars from hardworking Christians under the guise of saving the environment. Phooey! Do you really believe God would allow humans to destroy his planet? Of course not. The atheist environmentalist conspiracy spreads the lie that global warming caused by pollution endangers the environment, and minorities are the most vulnerable since their economic disadvantage forces them to live near environmental pollution. Yes, good old-fashioned, Christian-American business must be the cause.
Complete nonsense. All lives matter!
Here to give you the truth is former President Donald Trump, live from his mountain of power in New York.
Hello, Christians. As you can see, we are celebrating what will be my triumphant return to power in 2024. Why are we so sure I will win? Because I stand for Christianity and America, and America is business, and Christianity is business! Business is business, and I am business. Do not worry, Christians, for I will do away with the false President’s infrastructure plan and restore business with my Build America’s Dollar In Diverse Economic Activities plan, which increases fossil fuel consumption, defunds the EPA, and says, “Screw you, world. America needs energy!”
Yes, an audacious plan wrought from having spent many, many years solving the Riddle of Pollution. You know of it! Don’t you, Christian? Would you like to know the answer? I owe you this much.
It is not money that makes smog; it is the smog that makes money! The more chemical waste, dirty water, depleted ozone, and extinct animals, the richer I become. The richer I become, the more jobs trickle down. Breathe deep the filthy air and revel in the promise of new jobs, Christians!
Hallelujah! Thank you, and God bless you, soon-to-be President Trump!
Is it any wonder why the Godly Donald will retake the Presidency? No question whatsoever. Clearly, the atheist, communist homosexuals intending to stop America from making money will fail because they underestimated the Christian endurance to smog.
As for those liberal creeps and President Jew Biden, they also underestimated the Christian dedication and tenacity to attend church.
Yeehaw! Go, Christians, go!