Christian Pollution: From The Beginning…
Christian Pollution: Polemics & Absurdities Part 1. From the Chapter From The Beginning
Vincent Triola
Christians placed themselves in opposition to me for many mundane and original reasons. Certainly, I did not place myself in opposition to the Christians, at least not so vehemently until recent years and certainly not as a kid. Rather life with Christians formed an uneasy peace founded on ignoring and tolerating them when possible and trying to join their ranks at other times: actions never satisfying the desire for Christians to stop interfering with my life.
If you are like me, or like me before standing against Christian oppression, you readily relate with these experiences and concerns. I am not a philosopher or ex-evangelical preacher turned atheist but instead an average person struggling through life as a writer. I was born poor to a gambler father who ran off too early to be remembered and a psychopath mother who managed to remarry a more successful man who fitted better her sociopathic tendencies. I deem them pseudo-Christians, which clarifies later, and neither cared for me beyond freeing themselves of the son who never fit their Republican businessperson personas that melded with Christianity, and today, with Christian-Nationalism (all the same bullshit) aspirations built on self-interest. While suffering the pseudo-Christian parents, Christians, and other Christian diversity: bullies, bosses, etc., my fifty-one years slowly opened eyes to the Christian oppression weighting all Americans in varying degrees. (Except those Christians who benefit!)
I mention all this history because shitty Christians reading this and even many nonChristians still suffering indoctrination readily assume all critics of Christianity unjustly pick at the cross with bias. In the brilliant bias of the Christian-governed mind, all things critical of Christianity result from bad experiences and personal vendettas that grossly stereotype, thus magically exonerating Christianity with a blame-the-victim mentality. Often couched in philosophical discussions, this mindset takes on a tone of superiority fueled by the respect derived by academics, theists, and atheists debating faith in God with Christians, with not one argument holding a plausible solution or benefit for social issues—mostly caused by Christianity. I mention this bias to clarify the necessity for exposing Christian flaws and dangers in the harshest way to shatter the pervasive indoctrination.
Terry Trueman
This might surprise you. I love God as I conceive him/it to be. God=Life=Love is what I can understand as good and true when the world is working properly. The universe is far more complicated the more we know about it. It is far more confusing the better we understand that the language we possess to discuss the great mysteries is now and has always been and will no doubt forever be inadequate to the task of understanding all we’d like to understand about God and life and love.
There is nothing wrong with searching for a deeper understanding—there’s a lot wrong with imagining that you can grasp the will of God, whom you have imagined to be a big human-shaped being watching sparrows fall and counting all the hairs on your head. And there is even more wrong and terrible danger in assuming that you have it all figured out and that you know the secret formula for pleasing God, this imaginary reverse anthropomorphized being.
Our mission here, in Christian Pollution, is to poke holes in the damage being done by stupid, crazy, gullible, willfully ignorant people who do great harm to life by their certainty that their view and understanding is the right and THE only right way for us all to believe and thus to live.
God=Life=Love works for me and when I appreciate my life specifically and life fully and broadly, and when I let myself love life and love the mystery that makes life (God) I can live happily, joyfully, with humor and pathos, passion, and acceptance of things I don’t understand, and in recognition of the limits of words to provide all answers. And one final thought, the ethics of the person known to us as Jesus Christ are magnificent; the ability to pervert his message and example is astonishingly grotesque. Welcome to Christian Pollution where we work hard to clean-up the shit that stupid and cruel “followers” do in his name.
Our Objectives
This project evolved out of the Christian Pollution publication meant to focus criticism on Christianity as opposed to religion or theists since Christianity, the majority religion, presents the most relevant issues facing Americans.
Christianity infects Americans in a way that makes separating from the religion impossible. Because this ideology pollutes life, law, government, jobs, and culture, society becomes influenced such that many people unknowingly act in the interest of Christianity or live by the values. These individuals are pseudo-Christians who may not identify as Christian or even believe in God. They are often Republicans and conservatives, thinking themselves wise businessmen but are self-serving individuals willing to vote against any form of social assistance just to make a dollar in the short term. They are also the Trumpers rapaciously devouring social media, spewing racist diatribes and conspiracy. They don’t trust the government, but they trust the Christians despite being the people least likely to help them.
They are all pseudo-Christians, unknowingly having drunk the Christian kool-aid!
With the rise of right-wing Christianity that has all but completely contaminated the Republican party, a clear danger arises from what many perceive as an evangelical issue. This view is propaganda since approximately half of the mainstream Christian sects supported Trump and Christian Nationalism. A serious problem exists in the United States, threatening to replace democracy with theocracy, and that problem is Christianity.