Christianity is a Political ideology, Dumbass!
Answering Another Christian Intellectual
Christian Email ~ August 14, 2023
Don't you think your problem is less associated with christianity then your political views? What if I told you some conservative christians dont represent all of us?
Dear Brilliant Christian,
What an astounding, well-formed rebuttal distilled from a keen religious mind. It is as though you have peered directly into my thoughts and uncovered my Achilles heel of having confused my politics with my religious views. How you follow that observation by questioning my understanding of “some conservative Christians” not representing all of you, befuddles me. Having cracked the Socratic method whip, I truly feel beaten by the obvious.
The Christian mind must indeed be a tormented place to daily inhabit where one states the obvious while simultaneously believing themselves wise and perceptive. If not torment for Christians, most certainly that cognitive void tortures me, like an ass-backward Sisyphus racing downhill to help the Christo-Mentally Deficient ascend critical thought’s slope. Literally, I toss a coin to choose between the least stupid emails to answer.
Christianity is a political view!
I cannot say this with more clarity. What kind of bonehead, dumbass believes Christianity is separate from politics, especially in the US? Every major sect of Christianity in the US supports specific laws based on religious belief, i.e., abortion bans, healthcare policies, education, limiting civil rights where religion is concerned, etc. Wherever there is a dilemma or choice for public policy, there is a bunch of dumb Christians with a stupid opinion.
Christians are involved in almost every aspect of government policy and politics because it is a political body as well as a religion. Perhaps you don’t see this, not solely for being stupid, but because you are one of those liberal Christians who believe “if everyone followed Jesus the world would be great!” Or maybe you are one of those progressive Christians who deny the millions (the majority) of other Christians in the claim, “They are not real Christians.” Maybe you are a conservative or Republican but don’t agree with the MAGAs and only vote for conservatives who appear sane. Maybe you sit around in an LGBTQIA-friendly church holding hands and loving Jesus, wondering how so many of your brothers and sisters turned into MAGAs. If you are any of these folks, you believe these ideas because you are an imbecile! Let me explain the depth of your Christian dumb so nothing is left to the imagination.
No matter how rational, conservative, liberal, or brilliant you perceive yourself, you prove yourself just as hypocritical and dumb as the MAGAs and even more nonsensical. By stating, “If I told you some conservative Christians don't represent all of us” you implicated yourself in a political belief system by considering yourself REPRESENTED POLITICALLY (“represent all of us). Perhaps “some” of you are not MAGAs, but clearly “that some”, according to you, belongs to another Christian political body since you are represented differently.
You cannot even discuss politics as a Christian without representing yourself as a political collective.
Not only have you contradicted yourself and proved that Christianity is a political ideology, but you crystallized the religion’s farce. When convenient, Christians are political, not political, liberal, progressive, conservative, authentic, fallible, infallible, ad infinitum. There is no reasoning with Christians because you cannot reason with foolishness embedded so deeply that hypocrisy becomes as natural as breathing.
Are you really this fucking stupid? How could you possibly send us an email with such obvious fallacies? Sadly, the only people who don’t understand how ridiculous Christians sound, are the Christians. Your religion, on which you ground your intellectualism, fails you because it is a fraud. If you believe the intellectual fraud, you will act fraudulently, just as you wrote today, trying to educate people with empty wisdom.
You would have been better off mindlessly rolling your eyes, moaning, “Jesus saves.”
At least you would have been honest.