Freeing You From Lies is Exactly What I Do
One day, You’ll Understand. Let’s Hope it’s Not too Late!
Comment From Reader
And men martyred because they believed…and because they saw.What do you do in life your life that is comparable? “Freeing” us from Christianity and giving us spiritual spam?
Non-believers give less to charities and volunteer less. It’s a fact.
Areas of religious folks (fools, to you) are safer than other areas.
Aetheists are known to go to churches because of the peace and serenity they find there.
Muslim jihadists recently are encountering Jesus.
You don’t look like a happy person in that photo. What’s up with that, dude? You claim to be free of “spiritual lies” and yet haven’t found much joy? Maybe you need to be quiet for a moment and see what you’ve sought in life and how fulfilling it is.I should have you meet James Patton, a member of our church. He was a security guard until 10 years ago. He told a trucker he couldn’t use a certain driveway to approach the warehouse. The driver got angry, backed into him with his truck, and broke James’s left leg. Ten years later it’s still in a cast. The Workmans Comp insurance company went out of business and never paid James a dime. He was homeless for 2 years. Imagine bring homeless in a wheelchair with a leg in a cast. The state of California had to take over the case and refuses to pay for his seizure meds at times because some state-employed clown doctor decides that James doesn’t need it. That is, until 3 nationally doctors step back in and overturn the clown’s decision. Until the 3 hear and take acyion, James winds up in atrauma hospital.
From all this he has blood clots and needs an oxygen mask at times. Yet he shows up at our church and helps out when our church gives out 5,000 to 10,000 pounds of food once a month. He along with 30 other Christian “fools/liars” spend a Wednesday bagging food and then the next day handing it out to 200 families in cars and 80 to 100 people who walk up to also receive 20 pounds of food.
What does James want to do when he recives the $400,000+ he’s owed for workmans comp? He wants to buy some land and build 30 tiny homes for homeless folks.
When your life is greater, more inspiring, and more loving than James’s, show up at our campus so you can refute James’s faith and continuing love through all the debacle he has been through and is going through. Rock Church City Heights in San Diego. Until then I see you as a Chihuahua attacking the lion of Judah.
Dear Paul Edward Faulk,
Do Christians practice telling lies? Your lies roll off your keyboard so effortlessly that I almost believe your dishonesty is genetic. Luckily, I understand you are just dishonest with yourself. After all, you think Christianity is the truth. You are also dishonest with others because you present Christianity as truth to them when you cannot prove anything you say. For this reason, I will take it easy on you because, unlike you, I do not have to resort to irrational arguments, such as your babbling comment, that proves nothing of what you say.
You do understand, Paul? You said nothing that proves you and everyone in your church are not liars.
Yes, Paul, everything you stated is merely Christian propaganda voiced in red herrings and strawman arguments, and if you do not understand these points, you truly drown in the lies of Christianity. Oppositely, I can prove you are liars because there is no factual evidence to support you and every other believer’s claim that Christianity holds the eternal truth for humanity. More importantly, vast evidence to support the disbelief in this religion exists.
Christianity is no more factual than Puff the Magic Dragon, and you claiming it is, is a lie!
Another part of what makes you a liar is the misleading information provided, such as Christians being more charitable than atheists, nones, and other believers. While statistically, this is true, it is hardly a good statistic since “charity” is any religious or nonreligious legal contribution. The obvious fact that churches in the Christian-dominated US are nonprofit institutions makes all churches charities. So, most charitable money goes not to charities but to support churches. You know, like this guy, that Wikipedia says,

Osteen is estimated to have a net worth of over $50 million, with his church taking in $43 million a year in collections. According to the Houston Chronicle, Osteen’s church’s income was $89 million in the year ending March 2017. More than 90 percent of that was raised from church followers and barely one percent of its budget went to charitable causes. Osteen denied taking any pandemic CARES Act assistance, but U.S. Small Business Administration data revealed his church actually received $4.4 million from the fund.
But let’s assume you are one of those mistaken Christians with no idea that churches and pastors are known for their propensity for corruption. Let’s instead focus on other Christian Charities, like the United Nations NGOs dominated by Christian groups. According to the Guardian,
…70% of religious non-government organisations (NGOs) at the UN are Christian, and that there is historical privilege in allowing the Vatican a special observer status, as both a state and a religion.
The state of Christian domination of NGOs creates many issue:
Lack of Diversity: The dominance of Christianity in the UN can limit the representation of other religions in world peacemaking. Asian religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, are under-represented.
Historical Privilege: The Vatican enjoys a special observer status at the UN, as both a state and a religion, which some see as a historical privilege.
Funding Issues: Funding limits other religious traditions from establishing NGO work at the UN. For instance, Islam is represented more significantly through a collective of states (the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation) rather than civil society NGOs, which are dominated by Catholic groups.
Influence on Policies: Religious NGOs rose to full prominence during the 1994 Conference on Population and Development, where informal alliances between the Holy See and a number of Catholic and Muslim organizations dominated the heated debate on reproductive rights. ~Provided by Bing Copilot
I could go on and on, evidencing the many ways Christians lie, Paul, but I wish to talk about your inspirational Church buddy, James, who wants to buy thirty houses for the poor using his workman’s compensation payout. First, if we can believe what you say, Paul, I hope James receives his workman’s compensation. Second, I hope he is more intelligent than to attempt to purchase thirty tiny homes in California for $400,000+ since he should use that money for his ongoing living expenses because he probably cannot work, and since the average cost of a tiny home in this state runs about $30,000 to $150,000 (not counting land). Third, though I heard more farfetched tales, I find James and you difficult to believe.
Is James lying to you, Paul, or are you lying to me about James?
Even if you are both telling the truth, your story is typical Christian heroic propaganda, where some down-and-out person rises to the occasion or sacrifices for the good of others by hobbling along in his cast or wheeling about in his wheelchair, passing out food to serve Jesus, and all the Christians listen and go, “Aw!”
Frankly, I am neither impressed nor do I believe you or James. The truth, according to you, James has not received his money, has not built the thirty tiny homes, and handing out food, while commendable, does not make him a saint. But that is part of the Christian lie, where everyone tells stories about such and such Christians who did this or do that — all for Jesus and brotherly love, but the fact is Christian charity comes with a lot of strings attached, like going to church and recruitment. Meals on Wheels does the same thing every day for seniors and homebound and does not shove Bibles in your face or make you listen to Jesus talk. A small price to pay for someone like James, I suppose, since he gets to play the hero in your Christian story.
Come back and let me know when he ACTUALLY gets the money and ACTUALLY buys the thirty little homes. I won’t hold my breath.
Despite your lack of ability to argue due to Christianity making you an irrational liar capable only of parroting what your church tells you to say as a spiritual warrior, I believe in you, Paul. I think you can leave that church and break free from the Jesus lies!
Here is what I am going to do for you, Paul. I am going to keep on calling Christians liars because it is the truth. I will keep browbeating you with that honesty until you and your church buddies finally hear the truth about yourselves and the damage you do to everyone with your lies. And when you finally hear and admit your dishonesty, you know what I am going to do, Paul?
I am going to forgive and welcome you back because everyone suffers Christianity.