Pro-life’s Ongoing War to Save Babies & Women’s Religious Liberty
The War of Life & Christian Liberty Wages On!
Because all lives matter!
What a beautiful Sunday morning! No better day than to discuss the meaning of Pro-life. You hear the term tossed around quite a bit, but do you Christians truly understand the Pro-life stance? Well, today you will hear the truth about Pro-life straight from the mouths of Christian women in the Party of Life.
It all began in 1973, when the Supreme Court, possessed by Satan, stole Christian women’s religious liberty by telling them it was okay to have abortions. The High Court of Evil said their decision to allow women to murder their babies protected a woman’s privacy.
Have you ever heard anything as stupid as that!
Of course not because pregnant women don’t have privacy! For sure, they don’t have the privacy to make decisions about their pregnancy. It’s very simple; just look at this pregnant woman.
Clearly, the woman is pregnant by virtue of her stomach protruding, meaning she has no privacy. If God wanted her to have privacy, her stomach would be flat to hide her pregnancy. Since this is not the case, God obviously desired Christian men to keep their eyes on the feeble-minded women who might believe something so stupid as privacy allows them to murder their babies.
Sadly, the Christian woman’s religious liberty to not have abortions has been stripped away by the atheist feminazies and filthy nonChristians. Luckily for us, after The High Court of Evil made their decision, God-fearing Christians came forth to fight for their right to have babies. Ultimately, we won that right back in the recent turnover of Roe v Wade, but the fight wages on for the total abolition of abortion — no matter the circumstance! Now let’s hear from the important women who fight this good fight, starting with Congresswoman Lauren Boebert from Colorado.

Lie No 1: abortion is good for women. That some CNN fake news right there. Wrong. They need love. They need support. They need safety and healing. They needed a Glock 19 when it happened.
Praise the Lord!
Could the Will of Christ be any clearer? No, and as you can see, these defenders of religious liberty know what God wants. What? Still not convinced? Well, let’s hear from our next speaker, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.
I don’t care if you’re a rape survivor! If you support abortion, you’re a piece of trash!
You should all be ashamed! Killing a baby up until birth is a lack of civility. It’s called murder. Try being a Christian and supporting life!
You tell them heathens! Holy fudge! It’s as though Jesus spoke directly through Representative Greene and told us to stop abortion and defend the faith. Well, if you didn’t hear the Word through Marjorie Taylor Greene, you’ll hear it now from Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers. Tell us, Senator Rogers, what is best in life for women?
Hoard guns!
Crush the liberal, homosexual, atheist feminazies!
And to hear the cries of the women forced to be incubators!
Praise the Lord!
Thank you, Jesus! The message is clear now, isn’t it Christians? We have a God-given mission to protect the religious liberty of Christians everywhere by continuing to outlaw baby murdering — at all costs!
Get your guns, Christians! The war for life and religious liberty wages on!
Just a word of encouragement. Someday, this gaggle of goons will be vanquished. Keep up the resistance. Millions are with you.