“Surrender and devotion — the mystical approach — are more grounded in reality than is reason.”
A Complete Reversal of Thought
Reader Comment:
If you find meaning in philosophy of any kind, more power to you. I’m sure there are many people who will benefit from your guidance.
But surrender and devotion — the mystical approach — are more grounded in reality than is reason. I don’t imagine this point of view is welcome; so, I offer it for the future. ~Ann Williams
Dear Ann,
Thank you for your sage advice! You churned quite a dissonance tempest giving me much to consider concerning the metaphysical approach to understanding modern issues. I must admit, at first, I thought, “Hey, this is just another Jesus troll comment bombing articles with statements so stupid only a Christian could entertain them.” My next thought formed in the same vein of irritation, “Clearly, this is someone using a fake persona to make outlandish claims only a mind polluted with Christianity could truly grasp, not because it is sensible but because the words strike a chord with the religious bias relentlessly diseasing their critical thought.” Enraged, I assumed, “This troll is only attempting to provide the idiocy opioid the Christian brain addictively seeks, as intellectually challenging as filling the syringe for the addict to shoot.” I am sorry to say that I almost responded by stating, “Your claim of metaphysical solutions only proves my claim that Christians are a fraud for misusing philosophy to create the air of the superior mind while presenting possibilities as plausibilities.”
Thankfully, I did not say these things.
Studying your words halted my rage and brought insight where there was none. Now, I realize the wrongness of believing plausible notions. Clearly, the unprovable God should not be dismissed for lack of evidence or sensibility but instead embraced for His far-flung possibility. Ann, your argument redefined my logic, and now, I realize I must believe because the possibility exists for this loving God who won’t help dying children, stop wars, or even openly communicate his goals for us but undeniably wishes for us to condemn the LGBTQ and all nonChristians who he has also created.
What was I thinking?!
Ann, you are correct. The path of logic paves with metaphysical truths derived from “surrender and devotion.” Yes, now that I have surrendered and devoted myself to God, I see I mistakenly assumed many things possibility denies in the face of facts. Yes, there are many racist, authoritarian Christians evidenced by their voting for Trump, but it was wrong for me to believe those were all Christian voters.
Just half of America.
Life now crystalizes with perfect clarity! I completely understand why we need to outlaw abortion since there is no way to prove the entity within the woman is an actual person. There is a possibility! Despite the immorality of compelling one to harm or even kill herself for another person, we must err on the side of possibility and force the woman to be an incubator no matter what.
Perfectly sensible!
My, it is all so clear now! I am amazed I have been so blind. All this time, I thought infusing laws with Christianity violated the sensibility derived from the division of Church and State, but that was wrong since the possibility of God demands we create a Christian Nationalist country. By codifying the Bible as law, we save everyone from the possible ramifications of not following the Christian path.
I have missed so much. I must now resolve myself to these possibilities, like Trump saving the country, not causing an insurrection. Or that he was, and still is, fighting a child pedophile conspiracy that infiltrated the US government.
I have truly been lost; thank you, Ann.
I must consider all the many possibilities I dismissed in the past. What other possibilities have I forsaken?