The Elephant in the Room: What’s the Difference Between Dummies & Republicans?
The Importance of Recognizing Republicans & Not Confusing Them with Dummies
Today, we explore an extremely important topic: the difference between dummies and Republicans. You may think they are synonymous, but they are not. In fact, they have very different meanings and implications.
The Difference Between Dumb & Republican
A dummy is someone who lacks knowledge and may be unable to speak or express ideas correctly. Typically, dumb people harm only themselves in ignorance-motivated actions. Dumb can be an insult, but not very strong or offensive. For example, you can say, “He is so dumb, he can’t think his way out of a wet paper bag,” or “She was so dumb, she didn’t know better than to listen to the Republicans.”
Republicans are those who lack intelligence or common sense. It can also mean someone who does something foolish or irrational, like voting against their right to bodily autonomy. Calling someone a Republican is a very harsh and rude insult that hurts someone’s feelings or self-esteem. However, calling an actual Republican “a Republican,” though still hurtful, is the truth and the only way to penetrate their obstinance. For example, you can say, “He is so Republican, he doesn’t know he is voting to give rich people more money in the off chance they will invest in a business that provides him a crappy job or spend at his place of employment, which will help keep him trapped working in a dead-end career.”
That is so Republican!
Yes, it is, and Republicanism is vast and diverse, unlike Republicans themselves. It is not out of the realm of possibility to hear about the Black Republican, the Gay Republican, the Asian Republican, the Jewish Republican, and many more. The existence of these Republicans challenges our common sense since to be a Republican means hating everyone who is not a white, rich Christian, and, of course, Republican.
So, as you can see, dumb and Republican are not the same thing. Dumb is about lack of knowledge, while Republican is about poor thinking. Dumb is mild, while Republican is severe. Dumb is temporary, while Republican is permanent.
The Causes of Republicanism
But what causes Republicans? Is it genetic? Environmental? Psychological? There is no definitive answer to this question, as many factors can influence one’s intelligence and behavior. However, some possible causes of Republicans include:
- Lack of or a total disregard for education or knowledge
- Lack of curiosity or interest in anything other than guns and the Bible
- Lack of critical thinking or logic, such as believing reality TV is reality
- Lack of empathy or compassion for anyone poor, sick, and oppressed, even if they are a white, Christian Republican
- Lack of self-awareness or reflection, such as Ted Cruz believing that guns are the answer to school gun violence
- Lack of experience or exposure to the world beyond Republican, especially what is presented on Fox News
- Excess of arrogance despite moronically existing in contradictions, such as thinking you are a good Christian while voting for a party that wants everyone to pay for healthcare no matter how broke it makes them
- Excess greed, such as idolizing billionaires who could not care less about you
- Excess Jesus
Of course, these are not the only causes of Republicans, and they do not apply to every Republican. Some Republicans may be born with lower IQs than others, while some people may become Republican due to affluence or fame. Some people may be Republican in one area but rational in another, like Liz Chaney thinking abortion should be outlawed while realizing Trump is a dictator. Another clear example of this phenomenon can be seen in Mike Pence, who believes Christianity is more important than all the many religions comprising the country, yet has the average intellect to realize that he should perform his job and not take part in Trump’s coup. It is not uncommon for the Republican to have flashes of clarity or commonsense, but it is rare.
Symptoms of Republicans
But how can you tell if someone is Republican? What are some symptoms of Republicanism? Well, there is no definitive way to diagnose someone as Republican, as there are many types of Republicanism and degrees of severity. However, some possible symptoms of Republicanism include:
- Making illogical or irrational decisions based on a belief in Jesus
- Repeating the same mistakes over and over, like trickling down money from the rich to the poor, because it has worked so well for so long
- Believing in false or misleading information, like Fox News
- Rejecting facts or evidence that contradict their beliefs in anything that benefits them
- Being unable to learn from polite feedback or criticism
- Being unable to adapt to changing situations or circumstances, like not screaming the N-word because you believe it is your right
- Being unable to understand different perspectives or opinions
- Being unable to communicate effectively or clearly because you think being a racist, violent authoritarian is equal to the position of wanting to be inclusive and helpful to everyone
- Being unable to cooperate or collaborate with others because you are a selfish piece of shit who doesn’t care about anything but yourself
- Being unable to cope with challenges or difficulties without blaming problems on other smaller ethnic and racial groups.
Again, these are not the only symptoms of Republicanism, and they do not apply to everyone who is Republican. Some people may show some symptoms but not others, while some people may show no symptoms at all but still be Republican, like Elon Musk, who acts like he is saving free speech while voting for a party that wants to limit personal freedom by controlling sexuality and marriage. Some people may be aware of their Republicanism and try to improve themselves, yet most Republicans are so Republican they don’t know how Republican they are. Luckily for us, we know them when we see them.
So, there you have it: the difference between dumb and Republican, the causes of Republican, and the symptoms of Republicanism. Remember: don’t be dumb, but, more importantly, don’t be Republican!