Why Christians Cannot Be Trusted: A Guide to Spotting & Dealing with these Liars
Understanding the Danger of Christian Liars
We all know lying is bad, right? But what if I told you that Christians lie more than others, and they do it for different reasons? And what if I also told you that you can learn how to spot a Christian and avoid being fooled by them? Well, that is what I will share with you: the most common types of Christian liars, why Christians lie, how to spot them, and how to deal with them.
The Compulsive Christian Liar
The first and perhaps worst form of Christian liar is the compulsive Christian liar. A compulsive Christian liar lies about everything, even when there is no reason to. They lie to make themselves look like better people, to avoid trouble, to get attention, or to just have fun. They do not care about the consequences of their lies and do not feel guilty or remorseful. They are addicted to lying, and they cannot stop.
For example, a compulsive liar might tell you they earned a Ph.D. in theology or philosophy when they actually bought this diploma from an unaccredited online diploma mill. They discuss their degrees for the sole sake of impressing you, but more importantly, to provide credibility so you are more likely to believe their outlandish lies. Once they have convinced you of their “education,” these Christians will tell you all about how Jesus solves all the issues of the world just by believing, or that you can become rich by having faith and working hard, or that you can cure your child’s homosexuality with prayer and queer camp for kids. Some of these Christians will go as far as to say that the earth is only a few thousand years old, dinosaurs are not real, or even that the earth is flat!
Often all in the same conversation, Christians will state these lies!
How to Spot a Compulsive Christian Liar
The easiest way to spot a compulsive Christian liar is to check their facts. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. You can also look for inconsistencies in their stories or ask follow-up questions that require facts. Compulsive Christian liars often contradict themselves or forget what they have said before. Unlike average liars, Christians tend to look you straight in the eye, their posture steady as a rock, and rather than changing the subject quickly, they double down on the lying.
How to Deal With a Compulsive Christian Liar
The best way to deal with a compulsive liar is to avoid them. They are not trustworthy and will only cause you trouble. If you have to interact with them, don’t believe anything they say, and don’t share any personal information with them. Don’t try to confront or expose their lies because they will only deny it or fabricate more lies.
The Pathological Christian Liar
This Christian liar, which is an ailment most Christians suffer, is a mental disorder preventing them from telling the truth. They may suffer from narcissism, antisocial personality disorder, or borderline personality disorder, but, more than likely, they have a form of self-inflicted irrationality caused by believing thousands of years ago, an unprovable, supreme entity decided to send a man (his son) via an immaculate and nonconsensual impregnation to perform miracles, bring us the hope of salvation, and then to be painfully nailed to a cross so that we all could understand the sacrifice this being wants from us. Believing this farfetched, ridiculous story causes Christians to have to prove it is true, and since they cannot, they lie.
Some of these Christians lie to manipulate others, to gain sympathy, to create drama, or just to make money. They believe their own lies, and this creates pathological lying. For example, a pathological Christian liar might tell you they can cure a terminal illness by laying hands on a sick person, they can hear Jesus talking to them, or recite Bible passages as proof of whatever they claim despite the ambiguous nature of a book arbitrarily interpreted.
They will lie with conviction and emotion, as if undeniably true.
How to Spot a Pathological Christian Liar
Pathological Christian liars are difficult to spot because most Christians lie since they are all mentally ill to some degree, and their religion is considered normal. However, common symptoms include passive-aggressive statements and behavior, mood swings, persecution complex, impulsivity, aggression (when they are proven wrong or don’t get their way), or self-harm tendencies caused by living in an unhappy state of untruth.
They may also have a history of God curing their substance abuse until they use again, or escaping criminal behavior by claiming Jesus saved them, or relationship problems caused by infidelity or domestic violence. They also tend to exaggerate or dramatize their stories or use vague or ambiguous language, like, “Jesus saved me from the gates of hell!”
How to Deal With a Christian Pathological Liar
The best way to deal with a Christian pathological liar is to tell them to seek professional help and not from a Christian psychologist. They need real therapy and medication to treat their underlying condition of false belief. If you have to interact with them, don’t take their lies personally, and don’t try to argue or reason with them. Just support them by encouraging them to get help.
The Importance of Understanding Christian Liars
Christian liars create many problems for normal people, like causing drama, ruining relationships, and gaslighting. Christian liars often lie as a group, and this has many social ramifications, such as hiding illegal misuse of church funds, ignoring priests raping kids, or sexual assault coverups. It is vital to know how to spot these liars and how to deal with them. Most importantly, you need to know there is a solution to this problem:
Stay the hell away from Christians — all of them!